
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

>> 리아나, 화이팅..!!

salam to all readers..

okay liana..
welcome back to reality..

you have 6 papers for this finals..

13 June: Mathematics Combinatoric
14 June: Fundamental of Particles & Forces
18 June: Investment 2
21 June: Theory of Differential Equation
24 June: Philosophy of Science
26 June: Non-parametric Statistics

and you need to pass all..
and grad..
and earn some money..
and then buy HD camera..
and then go to concert some more..
and then buy a house...
and then get married...
and then honeymoon...........
and then....
and then...........
and then....................
and then.............................

you need to start your engine now!

hope this will boost up your confidence..

p/s: i just realized, ChangMin waved at my side me twice during Journey.!

still can't get rid of TVXQ fever..
it has been more than a week already..
come on, liana!
you can do it!

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