
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

>> master??

salam to all readers..

as for now, no company invite me to interview etc.
mungkin belum rezeki..

ramai yang bertanya, "ko tak nak sambung master ke??"

jaaaaaaauuuuuuhhh di sudut hati, memang teringin jugak nak buat master..
tapi bukan dalam negara..

lately, i keep thinking about this option..
why do i feel like i'm not going to do it?

1st of all, no budget..
so, need to find scholarship first, only then i can proceed..
family aku bukannya orang kaya yang boleh je sponsor aku..
tak macam family orang tu.. *nada jeles.. sila terasa..

2nd, interest..
i knew i'm too interested in maths, but absolutely not into doing paperwork..
is it okay?
there is no master degree without paperwork, cik liana..

3rd, surviving..
can i survive on my own in another country?
even belajar kat UM pun cukup-cukup makan..
itu belum kira homesick lagi.. 
almaklum la.. tiap-tiap minggu balik rumah..
ini kan kat foreign country..
boleh ke??

need to put aside this thought first, and continue job-hunting..

sesiapa yang tahu ada company ada kerja kosong, *except for sales dept, please inform me..

till the next entry..

p/s: kalau still begini sampai hujung tahun, maybe i'll reconsider this option seriously..


  1. kat um pun mencabar juge ape...nak pecah kepale belajar.

    kalau nak suasana luar negara sikit, boleh mohon kat UIA. Ramai benar foreigner kat sane.

  2. taw xpe.. sy amek degree kt um, memang pecah kepala la study.. hehehe..
