
Sunday, September 29, 2013

need help?
find one!

not all people are ignorant..

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

>> finally..

salam to all readers..

my 2013 dream comes true..

see you guys this 2nd October!!

sejak aku melangkahkan kaki ke alam universiti di UM..
aku berazam akan tangkap gambar pakai jubah tarikh 2013..
and here i am..

excited, yet still a little bit sad..
most of my friends are not graduating together with me..
be strong, ladies and gentleman!
you guys definitely can do it..

>> kegilaan..

salam to all readers..


esok ada 2 interview..

tengah hari, formal interview with company A..
petang, phone interview with company B..

which one yang aku akan dapat?
hanya Allah yang tahu..

aku redha..
dan berserah..

doakan kejayaan saya mendapatkan kerja ya, rakan-rakan!

Monday, September 23, 2013

i think i ruined my first interview..

well, learn from mistakes..
and be a better person, liana..

good luck for the upcoming interview.!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

>> first interview..

salam to all readers..

tomorrow is my first job interview..
of course la..

cuak giler beb..

doakan aku dapat buat yang terbaik..
dan tak menggelabah time interview tu nanti..

sokongan dari anda semua sangat-sangat saya hargai..

Friday, September 20, 2013

>> trust yourself..

salam to all readers..

remember i'd told you guys about my difficult-to-score lecturer??

well, some how he has shown his care for me too..

i remember, once, he pat on my shoulder in the exam hall..
at that time, i'm rushing because i left my matrix card outside..
and he pat my shoulder to keep me calm..

then, the next two years, out of the blue..
he asked me this question, with his caring voice..
"liana, you are graduating this year right?"

without a blink, i replied, "yes.."
"oh.. all the best for you.."
and then he left to his car..

truthfully, at that time he asked me that question..
i am not really sure about the answer..
since my results at that time are not really convincing..
and i have 2 papers with him in that semester..
and one more in the next semester..
so, 3 in total..

a lot of things come across my mind..
wondering if i'll be able to pass.. or otherwise..

and now to think about it..
its all depends on you yourself..
whether you want it, or not..

sometimes, we just need to trust ourselves..
and let it go its way..
eventually, your subconscious mind will act before you think..
and it will show you the way towards your own goal..


everything happens for a reason..

did you know, on the night before my Investment 2 final paper,
i were totally blank..
i need to start all over again, to cover the thickest manual ever in less than 12 hours..

feels like crying, but crying does not solves anything..
you need to do something about it..

i knew the time keeps ticking..
but i take my time to pray and read Quran about 10 pages..
and that is when i found my courage back..

i start study again around 10pm..
look at the tips the lecturer gives me for the final exam, 
and i solely depends on the tips..
study only the related part that he had mention..
and thanks to Fiqa, i am able to finish my past year before the moment i blank out..
so, i just study the past year, and the selected topics he gives me.
with only that..

i passed..
even not with flying colours, at least i passed.
and i can graduate on time..

 moral of the story:
study continuously, and believe in yourself more..
remember, Allah will always be by our side..


>> rezeki datang..

salam to all readers..

rezeki datang bergolek-golek..

i have 2 interview invitation next week..
mula-mula, dua-dua company nak buat interview time 25 September 2013..
dalam banyak-banyak hari, kenapa hari tu jugak?
dah la 25 September tu, aku nak pergi amik jubah kat UM, dan teman Najjah pergi UPSI..
kelam kabut giler nanti..
setelah berurusan dengan HR masing-masing..
aku berjaya tukar tarikh interview..

doakan saya berjaya ye, kawan-kawan! 

p/s: nervous la pulak nak kene interview.. huhuhu
any tips?

i must be crazy..
to even think about this..

what is happening..?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

>> ada, takde..

bila takde, takde langsung..
bila ada...
kenapa semua perlu jatuh pada hari yang sama?


sabar, liana..

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

>> matematik..

salam to all readers..

ada sesetengah orang pandang enteng kat orang yg belajar matematik..
"ko nak keje apa nanti??"
itu soalan lazim.. dengan nada sarkastik..

tahukah anda, kursus ijazah yang saya amik kat universiti bukanlah sekadar matematik semata-mata?
saya belajar tentang ekonomi, financial, investment, risk, insurance dan sebagainya..
a little bit here and there..
cuma, ye la..
untuk kesenangan semua pihak, saya cuma cakap saya belajar matematik..


silence doesn't mean there is nothing to be said..
but actually, there is a lot..
cuma faham tak faham je la..

kalau berbuih mulut aku cerita satu-satu apa yang aku belajar sebenarnya,
for sure..
mereka-mereka yang pandang rendah tu takkan faham punya..
lumrah dunia..

sabar je la wahai hati..
kalau yang faham tu, memang sure diorang akan faham kenapa aku cakap aku pernah sakit sampai muntah-muntah time belajar dulu..
susah wooo...
kalau ada junior-junior aku yang mintak pendapat tentang actuarial science..
kalau add math time SPM kurang dari B3..
please la cari course lain..
this is definitely not the right path for you..
soalan seterusnya,
"dah habis belajar ni, ko nak keje mana?"
eh.. macam sama je soalan dengan yang tadi kan..
jawapan aku..
i'm more interested in financial and investment sector..
tapi tu la..
masih belum ada rezeki..
kalau dapat kerja kat insurance company pun okay jugak..
sebab tu 2nd option aku.. (takaful is my ultimate aim..)
kita tengok je la kat mana cik liana kerja nanti..

>> crush dah nak kahwin..

salam to all readers..

my 2nd year crush dah nak kahwin..
bukan dia yg 2nd year, tp aku minat kat dia time aku 2nd year kt UM..
p/s: dia senior ye kawan-kawan..

tahniah encik crush..
semoga berkekalan bahagia sehingga ke anak cucu..

saya di sini sentiasa mendoakan kebahagiaan awak dengan dia..
saya redha..
*ayat tak boleh bla..

Monday, September 16, 2013

>> bear besar..

 salam to all readers..

cuba teka, which one is mine..??


for sure la cik liana punya yang kaler purplish-pink tu..
tersama kaler dengan tudung pulak..
*abaikan tudung yang terkelepet sikit tu..

thank you my dear friend for this gift..

tercapai jugak cita-cita nak bear besar kaler pink sebagai hadiah konvo.. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

stop smiling like that..

you are killing me..

>> master??

salam to all readers..

as for now, no company invite me to interview etc.
mungkin belum rezeki..

ramai yang bertanya, "ko tak nak sambung master ke??"

jaaaaaaauuuuuuhhh di sudut hati, memang teringin jugak nak buat master..
tapi bukan dalam negara..

lately, i keep thinking about this option..
why do i feel like i'm not going to do it?

1st of all, no budget..
so, need to find scholarship first, only then i can proceed..
family aku bukannya orang kaya yang boleh je sponsor aku..
tak macam family orang tu.. *nada jeles.. sila terasa..

2nd, interest..
i knew i'm too interested in maths, but absolutely not into doing paperwork..
is it okay?
there is no master degree without paperwork, cik liana..

3rd, surviving..
can i survive on my own in another country?
even belajar kat UM pun cukup-cukup makan..
itu belum kira homesick lagi.. 
almaklum la.. tiap-tiap minggu balik rumah..
ini kan kat foreign country..
boleh ke??

need to put aside this thought first, and continue job-hunting..

sesiapa yang tahu ada company ada kerja kosong, *except for sales dept, please inform me..

till the next entry..

p/s: kalau still begini sampai hujung tahun, maybe i'll reconsider this option seriously..