
Thursday, January 24, 2013

[review] I Miss You..

salam to all readers

my first drama for this semester break is I Miss You.

for sure la because of Mr YooChun.

bagi sesiapa yang belum tengok cerita ni, better tak payah baca review aku.
sebab aku rase mungkin review aku ni bakal mematikan niat korang untuk tengok cerita ni.

for the first 3 episodes, aku dapat rasakan cerita ni memang sedih.
until that moment when the big B*** hero left that girl alone.
sakit hati gile weyh..
sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat sakit hati aku tengok scene tu.

yeah. he did return, but it is too late.

aku rase aku bukan seorang yang berhati lembut.
aku takkan boleh nak memaafkan orang yang tinggalkan aku saat aku betul-betul memerlukan dia..

Han Jung Woo..
you really disappointed me.
i don't care what you do, but the fact that you leave Lee Su Yeon alone that day will remain forever in my heart.
and its not impossible you will do that again in the future.
the drama has ended, however this hatred feeling toward you still remain..

and i think the character Harry is really me in my mind.
i want to kill all those people who hurt my love and myself.
yes. i did have these feeling. so what?

tapi sayang Harry last-last jadi gila.
oh Harry, anda sangat hensem dan comel.
kenapa anda jadi gila at the end?
kenapa anda tak mahu cari pengganti Zoe?
saya kan ada di sini.

the character Harry really teach me something.
daripada memendam kebencian, baik kita lupakan saja kesalahan orang lain kat kita.
sebab lama-lama kebencian itu la yang akan memakan diri sendiri.

oh ya.
aku lagi suka Harry daripada Han Jung Woo.
sebabnya telah pun diutarakan sebentar tadi.

the only reason that i keep continue to watch this drama is not HJW, but because of Harry.
Harry, i can feel your sadness..
i feel like i want to comfort you..

my big credit for this drama is for Harry (Yoo Seung Ho).
kalau dia takde, aku rase aku stop tengok cerita ni kat episod 3 je..


  1. lama dahhh i tak tengok cerita korea ni. hihi.

    1. saya pun dah lama jugak tak tengok. selalunye tengok time cuti sem je la. sebab exam da habis. hehehe.. =)
