
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[review] Nice Guy

salam to all readers..

second drama of this semester break..
Nice Guy..

this story is really really really heavy.
its not something that i can understand easily.
just what is wrong with the scriptwriter?
why can't you write a little bit more easy story line?
and the story is a bit slow.

that girl Seo Eun Gi often repeat what she said.
is everyone around her cannot understand her very simple words?

this time, i really hate the villain character.
its soooooo hateful!
Han Jae Hee.
i really hate you!
Park Si Yeon, you done a good job playing this role. 
you gain my hatred.

Kang Ma Ru..
i seriously can't understand what is it in your mind.

overall, it is a heavy story.
if you want to watch a funny romatic melodrama type,
this is not the right drama for you.

however, the OST is really good..
love like a snowflake - Xiah Jun Su


>> facebook during study week..

salam to all readers.

Facebook is one of my study medium during study week since second sem first year.
so everyone, if you want to share something, or want something from me.
regarding the subjects, notes, tutorials etc.
do contact me via facebook..

i'm willing to offer you my help..

if you want to do SMS or MMS all the time,
please topup my credit.

since everyone is not using the same line.
so SMS and MMS are quite expensive though.. lol.

facebook is free, internet and credit is not.

>> isu jual bayi..

salam to all readers..

baru-baru ni hangat diperbualkan pasal isu jual bayi.
pada pandangan aku la kan, aku bukannya nak sokong ke apa.
tapi kalau itu yang terbaik untuk masa depan bayi tersebut, its okay.

maksud aku, kalau bayi tu anak luar nikah, sah-sah la mak dia tak nak jaga.
daripada mak dia buang kat tong sampah bagi anjing makan..
sekurang-kurangnya kalau someone jual bayi tu kat orang yang betul-betul nak ada anak dan takde anak,
tak ke dia sebenarnya membantu masa depan bayi tersebut?

tu baru kes anak luar nikah.
kalau anak orang susah?
orang yang tak mampu nak jaga anak dia?

kalau fikir logik la kan.
orang yang 'beli' bayi ni kebanyakannya orang yang tak boleh nak ada anak sendiri walaupun dah cuba sedaya upaya.
dan kebanyakannya orang yang berharta.
*ni kes banyak tengok drama Melayu*

tapi kalau orang yang 'beli' bayi ni termasuk dalam golongan yang menyeksa, mendera.
tu lain kes.

walau apa-apa pun, jual bayi ni memang salah.
cuma tu la.
aku rase better jual bayi daripada buang dia kat tong sampah, kat semak.
kurang-kurang ko dapat duit, anak ko terjamin la sikit kehidupan dia..

moral of the story:
jauhi la zina.
sesungguhnya zina itu satu dosa besar.
dah la berzina, dah beranak, nak buang anak tu pulak..

kalau kes orang culik baby dan jual, tu memang satu jenayah besar.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

kekeliruan identiti.

ni bila dah besar kalau dia jumpa gambar ni mesti dia tanya:
"kenapa abah design rambut saya mcm ni?"


Monday, January 28, 2013

>> i pass it all!!

salam to all readers.

i pass all the papers for this semester.

as usual, Maths department is the fastest in term of releasing the pre-official results.
which makes every one of us went crazy and really in mental depression since we can't really sit back and relax for a while. =_="

2 paper Ravee - the ultimately most difficult paper ever in my life.
one i got A-, and another one i pass it safely.*cukup-cukup makan*

one more sem to go before graduate!
another 20 credit hours to finish!
liana, fighting!

note to myself:
 please study continuously and diligently starting from week 1. please..

>> ponteng kelas..

salam to all readers..

tiba-tiba teringat zaman sekolah asrama dulu.
disebabkan demam, aku dapat 1 hari MC.
memandangkan hari sekolah, MC pun tak leh stay dekat bilik.
so kene la rehat kat bilik kesihatan.

esoknya aku dah okay dah.
tapi disebabkan pagi-pagi tu kelas english.
dan aku tak siap lagi essay english yang kene hantar hari tu.
maka, aku sengaja memberi alasan aku tak sihat lagi.
and add another extra day in bilik kesihatan.

liana oh liana.
the most innocent girl la konon..
lol. =p

Friday, January 25, 2013

>> ulasan pendidik..

salam to all readers..

mia oh mia..
part 'makan' tu memang menarik.. 

nasib baik kat taska tu takde bedak banyak-banyak.
kalau tak nanti jadi mcm ni ha..

comel je peel mia ni.
kalau usik sikit, dia malu-malu..
lari belakang mama dia.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

[review] I Miss You..

salam to all readers

my first drama for this semester break is I Miss You.

for sure la because of Mr YooChun.

bagi sesiapa yang belum tengok cerita ni, better tak payah baca review aku.
sebab aku rase mungkin review aku ni bakal mematikan niat korang untuk tengok cerita ni.

for the first 3 episodes, aku dapat rasakan cerita ni memang sedih.
until that moment when the big B*** hero left that girl alone.
sakit hati gile weyh..
sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat sakit hati aku tengok scene tu.

yeah. he did return, but it is too late.

aku rase aku bukan seorang yang berhati lembut.
aku takkan boleh nak memaafkan orang yang tinggalkan aku saat aku betul-betul memerlukan dia..

Han Jung Woo..
you really disappointed me.
i don't care what you do, but the fact that you leave Lee Su Yeon alone that day will remain forever in my heart.
and its not impossible you will do that again in the future.
the drama has ended, however this hatred feeling toward you still remain..

and i think the character Harry is really me in my mind.
i want to kill all those people who hurt my love and myself.
yes. i did have these feeling. so what?

tapi sayang Harry last-last jadi gila.
oh Harry, anda sangat hensem dan comel.
kenapa anda jadi gila at the end?
kenapa anda tak mahu cari pengganti Zoe?
saya kan ada di sini.

the character Harry really teach me something.
daripada memendam kebencian, baik kita lupakan saja kesalahan orang lain kat kita.
sebab lama-lama kebencian itu la yang akan memakan diri sendiri.

oh ya.
aku lagi suka Harry daripada Han Jung Woo.
sebabnya telah pun diutarakan sebentar tadi.

the only reason that i keep continue to watch this drama is not HJW, but because of Harry.
Harry, i can feel your sadness..
i feel like i want to comfort you..

my big credit for this drama is for Harry (Yoo Seung Ho).
kalau dia takde, aku rase aku stop tengok cerita ni kat episod 3 je..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

>> question of the day..

what exactly i want to do with my life?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

>> honesty..

i find myself really annoying for can't being honest with someone.
just because i'm afraid they would hurt, so i keep the silence mode.
but if i tell it honestly, i'm really sure we can't continue being together.

i guess this is the major problem for those who are in relationship.

cik liana is still single, okay.

but the main problem is..
why i feel like tell something honestly is not appropriate?
should i tell lie?

oh what the world i'm living in...

and i really hate this feeling thousand times.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

>> exam week..

salam to all readers..

this is how my bed looks like.. 

and this is how my desk look like..

kesian encik teddy asyik kena baling bawah katil..
tak pun ayik kene tumbuk atau cekik gara-gara cik liana sedang stress..
*aku rase ayat aku mcm makin gedik je*

cepat la habis exam.
aku nak grad.
dan cari duit.
nak beli rumah.
rumah sekarang mahal nak mampos ok.

plan 5 tahun dari sekarang: rumah teres 2 tingkat atas nama Norliana Khamis.
semoga tercapai impian ini.

dah lari topik.

study liana study!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

>> past year paper..

salam to all readers..

buat past year paper..
i consume 6 hours just for 1 paper (reserve)..
oh my reserve!

what happen?
almost all i can't really answer without refer back to notes.

asking a few people about the questions, almost all didn't do it yet.
or maybe don't know how to do it.

ya Allah..
help me...

hope everything will be fine.
everything will be all right.
just stay focus, relax, and continue to study with my own style.


p/s: craving for sweets. but i have no stocks. T_T

Friday, January 4, 2013

>> Shinhwa reading face..

salam to all readers..

look at all these pair of face-readers..




the most hilarious part is when Shin Brief really do briefing on the face reading!
HyeSung oppa.
you really try hard to be funny.
and you are funnier these day.. *after the "아프냐? 나도 아프다?" onwards..*

nampak gayanya liana sekarang dah jadi peminat Shinhwa Bangsung yang tegar..

Thursday, January 3, 2013

>> bila kakak pegang kamera..

salam to all readers..

hari tu Marissa saje-saje je main kamera aku..
nak belajar tangkap gambar, katanya.
and here is her masterpiece..

and the photographer of the day is:
she try to do selca, okay..

kecik-kecik dah pandai selca.
cuma tangan dia pendek sgt..
so takleh nampak full muka dia.

sebenarnye banyak lagi gambar-gambar yang dia amek.
tapi al-maklum la kan.
kat rumah.. 


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

>> first day sekolah..

salam to all readers..

hari ni hari pertama Marissa dan Mia ke sekolah a.k.a taska..

dengar cerita..
si kakak lebih-lebih pulak menangis kat taska tu..
si kakak meragam, mengamuk sampai satu jam.. 
satu taska tu dengar suara dia je..
si adik pulak rilex je..

hari tu..
kakak yang beriya-iya excited nak sekolah.
sekarang dah terbalik?

baru first day..
esok lama-lama dah okay la tu..

aku rase aku dulu takde pulak melalak time first day pergi sekolah..
biasa-biasa je.. 


>> pesan cikgu..

salam to all readers..

ni pesan cikgu kimia aku masa kt MRSM Serting dulu..

dulu sebelum masuk kelas.
kalau lambat kene denda baca doa..

cikgu zaid ni standard mcm ustaz azhar idrus la bila dia bg ceramah..
seronok je dengar..
dan dia suka buat lawak.