
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

>> MBLAQ songs.. seriously?

salam to all readers..

i just realize..
the connection between MBLAQ songs in their 4th mini album: It's War..

his girlfriend is the super-aggresive and dazzling type.
people can't take off their eyes from her. 
(Her Dazzling)

and then his best friend steal her.
(It's War)

a war begin. they ( the best friend and girlfriend) better run away.

after the break up, he still can't let go of his ex girlfriend.

and he give a simple advice to his ex-girlfriend.
don't be shy to say hi to each other the next time.
(Hello My Ex)

funny, isn't it?

ni la liana.
esok nak exam, hari ni la dapat ilham baru yang entah hape-hape.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

dulu aku sensitip orang panggil aku "Yana"
tak tahu kenapa
aku rasa "Yana" bukan nama aku..
aku lebih suka orang panggil aku "Liana"

tapi entah sejak bila..
aku mcm dah terbiasa dengan nama "Yana"

pelik kan?

Monday, October 29, 2012

>> aku fobia dengan penipu..

salam to all readers.

terkenang zaman kat KMM dulu..

kitorang berlima satu geng.
ke kuliah sama-sama.
makan sama-sama.
study pun kadang-kadang sama-sama..
boleh katakan kamceng la kitorg berlima sekawan ni..

4 out of 5 of us duduk satu blok.
lagi la kamceng, kan?

but as time pass by..
one of us couple.
make herself away from us.
tu okay lagi.
yg paling tak ku sangka.
one of us adalah seorang penipu besar.

everything about her is a lie.
she lie about her family.
she lie about her health condition.
she lie about her education background.
and she even fake out a scene of death.
gila kan?

the thing is....
kitorang rapat.
tapi dia macam tak begitu nak bercerita heart-to-heart dengan aku.
mungkin sebab personaliti aku yg tak berapa nak amik kisah kot.
tapi kalau ko kawan aku, for sure la aku akan jadi kisah, kan?

one fine day.
everything is revealed by itself..
she ran away from the block..
but she ran towards our classmate room.
such a coincident, kan?
ataupun dia dah plan?
entah la..

bila semuanya terbongkar..
aku rasa macam tak percaya.
gila ke budak ni?
kenapa perlu tipu sana tipu sini?
kalau tak nak bercerita, takpe.
kitorg faham.
aku pun tak bercerita banyak pasal diri aku.
but at least aku tak mereka-reka cerita pasal family aku, pasal health, education etc.

yang paling aku sedih.
dia ada cerita dia dapat offer pergi oversea.
tp result SPM dia 6A je kot.
aku yg dpt 7A ni tak dpt offer mana-mana pun..
tahu tak aku menangis gila-gila bila aku balik bilik lepas dia cerita benda ni?
sedih la beb.
aku yg beria-ia nak gi oversea tp tak dpt offer..
dia dpt offer tp sebab family x bagi dia pergi, so dia cancel..
ko tahu tak aku MENANGIS gila-gila pasal benda ni?
tahu tak?
bila aku dpt tahu ko tipu aku.
perasaan benci tu datang bertubi-tubi.
tak payah la nak reka cerita yg boleh buat aku emo.
kalau tak dpt offer, meh la kita sama-sama menangis kenang nasib diri yg tak layak pergi oversea.
tak payah la buat aku rasa mcm aku je yg tak layak belajar kt sana.

one more scene yg aku masih ingat..
dia dtg kuliah dgn bibir yang berdarah.
aku tanya kenapa, dia tak jawab.
maybe aku ni pesen yg bila org dah tak nak jawab. malas la aku nak tanya banyak-banyak kali kan..
at last, one of our friend (the persistent type) tanya, and dia jawab.
ada org tak puas hati dgn dia..
can you imagine what happen?
she tell us they (her enemies) attack her.
oh no..
aku rase mcm geram, marah, dan sebagainya.
as a friend, aku rasa mcm aku patut jumpa dengan budak-budak yg attack dia tu.
*protective instinct*
tapi dia tak bagi.
dia kata tak payah nak kecoh-kecoh pasal hal ni.
so, aku tak buat ape pun la.
menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa.
bila terbongkar, rupa-rupanya dia sengaja menyakiti diri sendiri untuk mendapat perhatian kawan-kawan.
gila ke apa?
sanggup menyakiti diri sendiri?
memang mental budak ni.

pasal family pulak.
dia cerita kakak abang dia sume graduan oversea.
hebat kan?
tp bila kitorang selidik.
sume kakak abang dia belajar kat universiti tempatan je.
kenapa perlu tipu?
kalau taknak cerita, tak payah cerita la.
ni tetibe je mereka-reka cerita yang buat kitorg impress.
tp result ko tak impressive pun. *nada sinis*

yg pasal death scene tu..
dia tak buat depan mata aku.
tp dia buat dekat wing-mate aku.
*wing-mate: mereka-mereka yang duduk kat bilik yang satu row dengna bilik aku*

apa yg dia buat depan aku ialah dia pura-pura tak sihat.
nampak la rupa dia yang pucat lesi..
mcm tak cukup zat..
mmg nampak mcm org sakit.

sesiapa yang terkena dengan dia pasal death scene tu..
memang kesian dan memang menakutkan.
keadaan seseorang yg tengah nazak tengah-tengah malam.
siap bacakan yassin dah kt keliling katil dia.
i wonder why her roomate tak panggil aku time dia 'pura-pura' nazak tu.
maybe sebab dorg tak ingt aku bilik mana kot..

nak cerita banyak.. 
memang banyak lagi.
tp cukup la aku cerita the important part je.

apa perasaan korang bila korang berada kt tempat aku?

aku dah jadi fobia dengan penipu.
sebab tu la bila aku dapat tahu org tipu aku, automatik aku akan ada perasaan benci yang teramat..

sesiapa yang terasa pernah menipu aku selama ni dan aku tak tahu pun kau tipu aku.
kau boleh dikatakan selamat daripada perasaan benci ini.
once i hate you, forever will hate.

i wonder why she didn't even apologized for what she did..
and i wonder am i able to forgive her?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Way of Love - 2AM Concert in Malaysia

salam to all readers..

oh no!
2AM is coming to Malaysia?

oh please say no...
and NO!

how can i stop them from coming here?

okay la.
there's no need to think of a way to make them stop coming.
but there is a way to make me stop looking up to them.

whatever it is.
here are the details of the concert.


the most important part when you want to go to concert is the ticket.
and ticket price of course.

all are numbered seat.

think logically.
2AM is a ballad group, so why you need a free standing ticket, right?
there is no songs that can make you jumping-jumping and screaming like crazy.
leave the screaming part, cause i'm sure everybody will scream at the concert.
yelling their name..
and also fanchant.


aku rasa mcm nak pergi je.
tapi nanti 2PM pun nak dtg jugak dalam awal tahun depan.
camne ni?
dilema yang amat ni.

budget dah la ciput je..
mengharapkan miracle terjadi..
mcm kes 2PM dulu tu.
tak ingat? klik sini..

agak-agak ada cabutan bertuah tak masa konsert tu nanti?
sebab memasing ticket holder numbered seat kan.
*otak ku dah mula fikir yang bukan-bukan*

sekian saja untuk kali ni.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

salam to all readers..

di kala dah tak mampu lagi nak fokus kat dalam kelas...
dan juga kelaparan..

ini la dia hasil lukisan 3 gadis.
liana, nana, nani..


Sunday, October 21, 2012

>> 2PMBLAQisland..

the 3 group that i like in the same picture.

source: @MBLAQGO

main bias in 2PM : Wooyoung
main bias in MBLAQ : Seungho
main bias in FT Island: Seunghyun 

and i'm getting confuse.
the one besides Wooyoung is Hongki or Mir?


Saturday, October 20, 2012

>> pirates coins distribution..

salam to all readers..

when i first saw this question..

the first thing that i do is laughing.
such a nice way of applications.

stop laughing.
start calculating.

want to know how to calculate?
here i show you.

x ≡ 3 mod 17
x ≡ 10 mod 16
x ≡ 0 mod 15

gcd (17,16,15) = 1
therefore, a solution exist.

x = x0 mod (17)(16)(15)
x = x0 mod 4080

from x ≡ 3 mod 17  --> x = 3 + 17k
3 + 17k ≡ 10 mod 16
17k ≡ 7 mod 16
k ≡ 7 mod 16
k = 7 + 16m

x = 3 + 17( 7 + 16m)
x = 122 + 272m 

122 + 272m ≡ 0 mod 15
272m ≡ -122 mod 15
2m ≡ -2 mod 15
2m ≡ 13 mod 15
16m ≡ 104 mod 15
m ≡ 14 mod 15
m = 14 + 15n

x = 122 + 272( 14 + 15n)
x= 3930 + 4080n

therefore, the least no of coins stolen is 3930.

tak percaya? 
try substitute balik dalam equation yang dia bagi.
if there is 17 pirates, they have 3 coins left.
3930 - 17*231 = 3

if there is 16 pirates, they have 10 coins left.
3930 -16*245 = 10

if there is 15 pirates, they have no coins left.
3930 - 15*262 = 0

it makes sense, right?

happy playing with numbers!

>> craving for cakes..

i'm craving for this cakes..

looks yummy..

* drooling*

>> demotivated..

that most demotivated moment..
when you finally finished the question that the lecturer gave you..
and he review your answer thoroughly.
and then he said,
"this is not the best answer.. because i'm not sure whether the interest rate is right."

and the questions after after that..
i just do it with no heart..

Friday, October 19, 2012

>> test postpone?

salam to all readers..

semalam borak-borak dengan course mate.
dorang kata test LC postpone 1/11/2012.
biar betul?
tapi lecturer tak kata apa-apa pun.
takde announcement pun..

tolong la jangan postpone test ni.
tolong la.

sebab yang pertama.
kalau postpone, lecturer pernah inform dia nak masukkan Multiple Decrement Model sekali..
korang tahu tak, MDL tu sangat susah?
tak boleh study seminggu je dah tahu jawab?
tahu tak?
sekurang-kurangnya kena ambil masa beberapa hari untuk faham 1 part tu je..
tu belum part-part yang lain.
gila ke apa?

sebab yang kedua.
terlalu dekat dengan test Investment.
aku tahu la korang pandai.
tapi please la be considerate sikit to average student like me.
LC is kill, when the test is just before Investment, it double kill you know!
i want to pass and graduate next year.

jangan postpone test LC..

even though aku pun belum 100% prepared lagi untuk test, tp at least biar la test LC dalam minggu depan.
at least minggu depan aku cuma fokus untuk 1 test je.
and the following week i can focus on Investment.



i beg you guys with all my heart..
dont postpone the LC test..

*luahan hati seorang pelajar yg tertekan*

>> dance in the rain..

salam to all readers..

memandangkan sekarang musim hujan..
i just feel like i want to dance in the rain!
like a crazy person.
with no regrets.
enjoy the moment..

when i think about the cosequences..
terus terbantut niat tersebut..

kalau mandi hujan,
baju basah, 
beg basah
dalam beg ada nota kuliah
ade henpon
ade earphone
kalau basah dan rosak
sape nak ganti?
nota kuliah kalau basah, dah buruk, kene salin balik one-by-one
dah basah,
nak balik rumah mcm mane?
naik bas?
gila! basah-basah naik bas
naik kereta
nice! seat kereta aku lembap la nampaknye untuk 2-3 hari
lepas mandi hujan
kalau tak demam, kira okay lagi
kalau demam?
minggu depan ada test LC.
oh yeeeea..
i dont want to be sick.

tak payah gatal-gatal nak mandi hujan ye.
mandi shower je dah cukup.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

>> 10 impossible things that should be possible..

salam to all readers..

i want to make a list about myself..
10 impossible things that should be possible..
this list is about myself..

10. become a millionaire before 30

9. large house before age 25

8. get a job with monthly salary 5 figure (15k++)

7. go to korea with lover (husband)

6. have a good and understanding husband

5. meet Chang Min in person

4. go travelling with friends before graduation

3. always be sincere and honest

2. forgiving

and the most impossible task for me to do is
1. istiqamah

i think if i can overcome my number 1,2 and 3 impossible things, i can overcome that all..

perasaan itu mula kembali..

get away from me!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

>> happy birthday!


happy birthday, Mia Ellysha..
semoga jadi anak yang solehah, patuh cakap ibu bapa..

sekejap je dah 2 tahun dah budak kecik ni..

>> center of my universe..

meanwhile in Life Contingencies class..
he stated:
"my wife is the center of my universe.."

tidak ku sangka..
sweet gak lecturer aku yang sorang ni...


>> keperluan dan kehendak..

salam to all readers

memandangkan dah minggu ke-4 kuliah..
dan biasiswa masih lagi tak masuk-masuk ke dalam akaun..
konsep "keperluan dan kehendak" perlu dibicarakan sebelum membeli sesuatu..

tadi pergi jalan-jalan kat feskum..
terjumpa tudung bawal yang aku minat giler..
dan aku memang cari tudung bawal exactly that colour..
just in front of my eyes..

but in the end.
tak beli pun..
yes, tudung itu memang satu keperluan bagi seorang muslimah..
tapi setakat ni, aku masih lagi okay pakai tudung-tudung yang sedia ada..
walaupun kaler tak matching dengan baju.. huhuhuu..
so, tudung yang aku nak tu cuma kehendak sahaja..

motif utama post ni: biasiswa tak masuk lagi..

Monday, October 1, 2012