
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

>> search your full name in google

have you ever tried this before..? hehehe.. i've try this many times.. and this time.. yes.. of course.. and for sure my facebook, twitter and myspace account that pop out to be the first..

before..? i don't think there is.. maybe at that time i didn't use my full name to those account.. i would prefer using the name of LEE ANNA SHIM rather than my full name.. why..? because i feel safe by doing that.. and now i think i started to feel like i want to use my full name.. hehehehehe.. *memang gediks..* it's not that i'm not afraid of stalker anymore.. but it just.. you know.. a feeling that we would want to let the world know us.. hahaha.. *siyes gediks..!* i want people to know who i am.. what i am made of.. and kind of things like that.. in shorts.. i want to be famous..! mwahahahahahahaha.. *gelak besar..*sumpah ngengade minah sekor nih..* but.. we will do it slowly.. dont worry, be happy..! hehe..

okay.. start tulis dalam bahasa melayu pulak la.. hehe..

saya tahu perkara2 yang mcm ni lah yg akan membawa kepada kemudaratan.. sebab terlalu mendedahkan diri sendiri dalam laman2 web sosial.. kalau ade peminat misteri ni.. atau lebih dikenali sebagai 'stalker' atau ape2 pun gelaran beliau.. mmg ini la masa2 yg dinanti2kan.. betul x..?? betul x..? *mcm la ko ade secret admirer cik liana ooii..!* walau bagaimanapun.. saya akan cuba meminimakan hal2 privacy saya supaya x begitu terdedah kepada umum.. dan saya akan cuba sedaya upaya mengolah entry2 semua supaya sesuai untuk tatapan umum.. no 18++ punye content, yek..! so. jgn risau.. hehehe..

*kepoyoan liana semakin terserlah dari hari ke hari.. kehkehkeh...*

last but not least.. happy following my new-face-blog..!  

peace.. (^_^)v

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