
Thursday, October 31, 2013

salam to all readers..

i feel like i want to stock up my jajans and hide it so that no one can find it and then i can enjoy it alone while watching some late night dramas


Monday, October 28, 2013

>> gambar dah siap!

salam to all readers..

gambar studio aku dah siap..

excited much, terus upload gambar kat fb..

with my main source of strength..

i love you, mak & ayah..
thanks for everything..

with adik-adik..

 with anak-anak buah..

with all members of the family..

last but not least...

p/s: aku tak upload sume gambar okeyh..
jenuh nak upload satu satu..

thanks to mr photographer, encik fariz (Fantastic Moment Studio)

pakej yang aku amik ni pakej promosi..
RM299, for studio photoshoot + 20 pages hard cover album + DVD copy

memang berbaloi..
puas sume orang posing okeyh..

akhirnye, tercapai gak impian nak bergambar satu family..

Sunday, October 27, 2013

>> sopan sikit..

salam to all readers..

tadi ade customer ni..
suami isteri and anak-anak..
anak dia yang kecik tu comel..

tak pasti apa yg membuatkan si isteri ni melenting bermasam muka..
beliau berkata kepada suaminya,
"abang tak payah nak jadi laki dayus sangat la.."

muka alim je dua-dua..
*laki tu hensem kot.. kalah asyraf muslim.. 

tapi kenapa perkataan yang si isteri guna itu agak kurang sopan?
bukan agak dah, memang kurang sopan pun..
muka masing-masing alim je..
si isteri bertudung labuh..
anak-anak pun berpakaian sopan..
si suami berpakaian santai, tapi still nampak hensem dan alim..
kenapa begini?
agak terpinga jugak la melihat & mendengarnya..
dalam hati aku,
"tak bersyukur pompuan ni dpt laki kemain baik, hensem lagi.."

last-last, kasut anak-anak dia sume takde saiz..

p/s: tajuk entri mcm tak kene sikit. haha.. lantak la..

>> dah keluar..

salam to all readers..

sejak minggu lepas, hati aku teringin beno nak tengok konsert TIME..
sekali google semalam..
DVD version dah keluar..

oh yeaaaaahh...

you know how happy i am?

its time to download!

fyi, aku ada yg fuji-TV version punye..
1 video saiz 10GB ++..

cik liana memang gila..
tapi kalau suruh dia download konsert artis-artis lain, dia memang tak rela..

another fyi,
DVD version lagi full compared to fuji-TV punye..
that's why i'm soooooo happy..


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

mimpi aku buat sesi hati ke hati dengan yunho..

o___0 ?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

>> status FB (test)..

salam to all readers..

hari ni ramai gak yg buat sesi luahan hati kt facebook..
yg paling menarik perhatian,
status pasal tak dapat buat test RM..

it's normal la beb..
aku dulu pun mcm tu jugak..
gelabah gila, then mula fikir bukan-bukan..
tak lulus la, tak leh grad la, takleh kawen..

cuma, tu la..
lepas tak dpt buat tu, jgn terus putus asa..
usaha lagi!

you may take a day off..
but promise to yourself, it's only A DAY..

start esok kene study balik dari A to Z subjek dia..

kene rajin..
C tak datang bergolek-golek ye..

selalu orang aim A, tapi untuk subjek RM, C pun dah syukur sangat-sangat..
perasaan lulus tu macam dapat four flat kat matrix..
sumpah tak tipu..

usaha tangga kejayaan..
aku doakan kawan-kawan aku berjaya lulus dengan cemerlang, dan grad sama-sama tahun depan..


p/s: i wonder how many of you still read this blog.. please leave a comment if you did..

Friday, October 18, 2013

tetibe rase mcm nak beli phone baru..



Sunday, October 13, 2013

he looks like a kid..
dia nampak mcm budak..

*tak matang.. tak matang...*

>> surviving coursemate..

salam to all readers..

my surviving coursemate..

from left: shahid, fiqa, me, karim

we are the only Malay SER 09 that graduated this year..
sadly, among 13, only 4 survived..

aku pun survive cukup-cukup makan..
there's nothing really to be proud of pun kalau aku cerita berapa byk C aku dpt kan..
janji lulus..
fyi, mostly subject Mr. RM yg aku dpt C.. T_T

and now we are going into another chapter of our lives..

Shahid want to pursue CFA (Certified Financial Analyst)
Fiqa want to be a lecturer (maybe maths lecturer).. she's a first class degree holder..
and Karim want to be an actuary.. he passed 4 actuarial papers dalam masa beberapa bulan ni.. hebat giler beb!

and yes..
we all still unemployed..
but at least they have their goals..
but i don't know why i lost mine..

cik liana, what is your dream?
how to achieve those dream?

its frustrated to think about it..
and i know what is the reason behind failing those interviews..

quickly find yourself, and gain confidence, and go pursue your dream..

hope everything will be fine..

#2 instax moment..

p/s: mcm double couple pulak kan..
couple black & grey..

tak dirancang, okay..

>> 2006 vs 2013..

salam to all readers..

my sis and i..

fyi, my sis grad in 2006, Bachelor's Degree of Engineering (Electrical)
and me, 2013, Bachelor's Degree of Science (Actuarial & Financial Mathematics)

we are now both ex-UM students..

sekejap je masa berlalu..
tup tup dah 7 tahun since my sis grad..

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

>>2013 last minute plans..

salam to all readers..

my plan before finish off this year..

1. take a finance/investment seminar
for example, learn things like bloomberg, stock markets etc.

2. read a lot of books
at least i must finish 2-3 financial/investment related book..

suddenly i have a feeling like this..
i know myself are more towards finance/investment..
and i'm planning to work in that sector..
but when it comes to interview, my mind went totally blank..
and i think i just study for the exam (during my studies)
none of them left in my mind..
so i decide to learn again..
and hopefully, this will help me improving myself..

2. jogging
i know i'm too lazy to work out..
or sometimes even to walk outside the house..
but i need to change that habit..

3. take a break
go to the beach, or theme park, or what ever..
and relax..

you can do it!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

>> teddy bear collection..

salam to all readers..

can you guess how many teddy bears in this picture?

this is my collections since form one..
thanks to all my friends for these gift..

p/s: i'm still craving for more..
tak cukup-cukup kan..

i need a break to rearrange my thought..


>> random..

salam to all readers..

i miss that moment..
and i miss those two boys..
especially this guy..

 now playing: Unforgettable - TVXQ

want to cry..

Monday, October 7, 2013

another pre-convo moment..

>> instax mini in the house!!

salam to all readers..

cik liana dah ada instax mini 8 kaler pink..
jangan jeles..

actually, dah sebulan dah jadi milik aku..
tapi tak ter-update pulak..

rase mcm nak stock up film banyak-banyak..
dan tangkap gambar dengan kawan banyak-banyak..
best nye!

setakat ni aku guna ok la..
cuma kalau lighting tak best (a.k.a gelap/mendung) , better guna hi-key mode..
gambar nampak cerah..
kalau guna home mode, agak gelap jugak la..
dah tak syiok..

takpe.. takpe..
practice makes perfect!

tak sabar nak guna for special occassion..

p/s: hari tu time konvo, kamera kat adik, dah terlalu byk benda yg aku pegang..
later we take picture together-gether yeah..


Sunday, October 6, 2013

me and bestie..
and our lovely teddy.. 

>> teaser..

salam to all readers..

teaser for family outdoor photoshoot..

tunggu 2 minggu lagi for official picture..
bajet cm artis kejap.. =p

kau ade?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

>> I'm a happy girl..

salam to all readers..

and you know, i'm the happiest person in earth..

i've achieve my dream for this year (2013)
1. meet Chang Min
2. graduation

need to find another dream for this year.. 
before its coming to the end..

p/s: baru belajar cutting pics online..
sgt senang dan mudah..
ape kah?

anyway, a big clap to cik liana!

any plan to finish off this year?
secure a job first, then let go with the flow..


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

cik liana is officially graduate from University of Malaya..
