
Saturday, July 27, 2013

>> iklan..

salam to all readers..

baru-baru ni..
salah seorang member aku telah di'block' dalam group kat fb..
group sekolah aku la..
group ape lagi..

bagus jugak dia kene block.. 
at least notification aku tenang sikit..

mana tak nye..
tiap2 hari post kat wall group pasal bisnes dia..

i know this is one of your strategies to attract customers..
but you need to remember as well..
not all people will like everything you did..
and yes..
i'm getting annoyed be that..

the main reason is not your business..
but your interpretation of your words about your business..

your wording does get me annoyed..

p/s: aku rasa kalau aku berkata jujur, i tend to speak English..
maybe it sounds better..

aku paling tak suka bila orang promote business dia, then relate something Islamic..
dan terang-terangan fakta yg dia bawak tu adalah fakta copy paste..
sahih atau tak?

second thing is, business dia je la yang paling bagus..
cerah masa depan..
bla bla bla..
tapi belum tentu cerah masa depan kan kalau dah terfaktab harga barang kau tu semakin menurun dari tahun ke tahun..
market sekarang tak boleh nak jangka..

tak perlu la bagi confirmation kononnya 100% gitu..
sedangkan dalam dunia ni, 100% sure adalah mati..
bila? di mana? dengan siapa?
itu kita tak tahu..
betul tak?

for all online sellers *peniaga online*
berpada pada lah dalam mempromosikan barangan yang anda jual..


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

>> rezeki Ramadhan..

salam to all readers..

rezeki bulan puasa kali ni..

1. dapat kerja part time
walaupun tak banyak gaji dia, tapi at least ade la jugak kan..
and aku enjoy kerja kat situ..
semua sekepala..
for me, the work is like playing a game..

2. lulus dengan cemerlang
aku dapat graduate tahun ni..!!
my result for this sem is higher than expected..
thus, my CGPA can be considered stable..

masih belum ada rezeki job hunting..
maybe lepas raya kot..
mana la tahu..

p/s: i've got 2 missed calls, probably from HSBC..
need to wait for them to call me tomorrow..
pray for the best..

Friday, July 12, 2013

>> salam ramadhan..

salam ramadhan buat semua..

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

>> emergency..

salam to all readers..

when there is an emergency..

"hyung..!! hyung!! that way!! that way!!"

Changmin oppa..
what happen to you lately??


>> crying.. again??

salam to all readers..

yesterday, i check my unofficial results..
for maths subjects only.
and guess what?
i passed it all!!

this time..
i cry..
sincerely, a joyful tears running out from my eyes..

there is one subject that keep haunting me..
even in my dream..
what if i didn't pass it?
what will happen to me?
all the negative thought keep haunting me..
and you probably didn't know how it feels..
and yes..
i passed that paper..

later, on the same day..
i found this picture of him..

ChangMin oppa!!
why everytime i cry, you cry too??
remember this post? *here*

ChangMin oppa, don't cry anymore..
we should live our life happily..
like you said..
there is no time to feel unhappy..

its okay..
its gonna be okay..

is this what we called 'fate'?
or 'destiny'??

*berangan liana, berangan lagi...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

>> Alhamdulillah..

salam to all readers..

when you see there is no hope..
put your faith in Allah..
we do our best, let Allah do the rest..
and lets do things slowly, and steady..

that is the things that i always keep in my mind..
thank you to all my friends who keep reminding me..

terasa berbaloi segala penat usaha selama ni..
bersakit-sakitan study, and you get what you really deserve..


this year will be the most memorable year for me..
1. ChangMin
2. graduation


2019 kot.. 
hehehehehe.. =p

>> what??

salam to all readers..

saje-saje belek gambar-gambar lama..
then, i found this..

his expression is priceless..