
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

>> strategi baru: blog..

salam to all readers..

ingat tak aku pernah share pengalaman aku pasal One Community Worldwide tu..?
tak ingat?
check out this link: e-life: scam, MLM or business??

dan info yang terbaru aku dapat..
orang-orang kuat one com mula menggunakan strategi baru..
yakni, blog..

*gelak tak ikhlas dengan niat memperli*

dulu bukan main cakap 'away from keyboard'
sekarang, dunia di hujung jari, kan?

kalau try google search pasal e-life scam, one com, etc..
semua cerita negatif adalah top search.
surprisingly, blog aku pun termasuk dalam top search tu..

well, you guys still have a loooooong way to be first of the search..
you know what i mean.. hehe.. *gelak sinis
setakat follower orang-orang korang jugak..
memang tak berkembang la otak..
bila baca komen-komen yang kononnya membina tu, serius rasa lawak gila!

entah la..
i think i need to let go of this feeling..
but, aku rasa semakin lama macam semakin melampau pulak mereka-mereka ni..
aku sangat berharap kepada sesiapa budak baru, please la stop sebelum terlambat..

hutang berpuluh ribu, tapi tak nampak apa pun..
balik-balik pergi HQ, cari orang, sharing, bla bla bla..
kalau pergi mana-mana pun, ala.. setakat pergi Pangkor Private Island je pun..
kalau duit ada banyak nak mampus, pergi la buat gathering tempat lain..
balik-balik situ gak..
buat la oversea..
aku tahu korang tak mampu.. haha.. *gelak menyindir

niat nak tolong family, kan?
ye la..
sayang family la katakan..
berapa kali korang jumpa family korang dalam sebulan?
tak pun, setahun?
jeng.. jeng.. jeng...
soalan yang agak panas dan sensitif..
selain mesin tu, apa lagi yang korang pernah buat untuk family korang?

bye bye!

serious sayang giler account aku tak boleh direct comment kat blog diorang..
kalau tak, memang aku serang.
*gelak jahat

Sunday, June 23, 2013

>> minfood returns!

salam to all readers..

just a random post about them..

yea,, sure..
hot pot and china fans..
hahahahahahaha.. XD

Saturday, June 22, 2013

>> SER 09..

salam to all readers..

for the first time ever..
kitorang bergambar satu batch..
unfortunately, there is some missing people..
intentional and unintentional..
tapi takpe..
at least ade gak la gambar nak buat kenangan dengan mereka-mereka yang ada ni..
thanks to mr photographer..

"A" stands for Actuary..

happy graduating, batch-mates..

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

okay okay..
i'll listen to you..

Monday, June 17, 2013

>> terharu..

salam to all readers..

518 must be the most memorable moment for them..
and for me too..

they keep mentioning Malaysia in their Japan tour..
and ChangMin mention "Kuala Lumpur"..
today is the recording day for Time Tour in Tokyo Dome..
they didn't fail to mention it once again..


terharu giler beb..

TVXQ, saranghaeyo!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

>> live stream..

salam to all readers..

untuk pertama kalinya..
aku mengikuti live stream concert..
konsert sapa lagi kalau bukan konsert TVXQ..

Tohoshinki Time Tour Live in Tokyo Dome..

Tokyo Dome tuuuuuu...
entah bila la aku dapat merasa untuk jadi sebahagian dari Bigeast dekat sana..
kene kumpul duit banyak-banyak ni..
alang-alang pergi konsert, boleh pergi tengok negara orang sekali..

first song: Fated
bila dengar je lagu ni, terus aku jerit mcm orang gila..
nasib baik roomate takde.. hehe..
dengar live stream ni sejibik mcm dengar curi-curi dekat luar stadium..
tapi bergantung jugak la kan dengan kelajuan internet..
kalau laju, best la live stream..
kalau slow, memang sekat-sekat mcm radio rosak la..

lagu-lagu yang dalam list tour kali ni sume best-best..
my favourite: Fated, Y3K, Android, Still, Rat Tat Tat
amazingly, almost sume lagu yg aku suka, semua lagu rancak-rancak..
selain Still la..
hohoho.. first time.. first time cik liana suka lagu ganas-ganas macam ni..
*ganas la sangat.. =p

seronok dengar live stream..
perasaannya sama macam tengok diorang live..
cuma tu la..
tak dapat tengok, dengar pun jadi la..
janji live..

satu je yang kurang seronok..
aku tak faham apa yang diorang cakap..
ye la..
kalau Korea, aku faham la jugak kan..
ni Jepun.. yang aku tahu, "minna-san, Tohoshinki desu!!"
*everyone, we are Tohoshinki!!*



twitter trending sedikit sebanyak membantu aku faham apa yang diorang cakap time ment tu..
oh yeaaaaaa!!

the content of their talk:

1. Fans are asking why Yunho look taller than ChangMin today..
like, seriously?
we all know ChangMin is taller than Yunho..
it must be because of the insoles in side Yunho's shoes..
Yunho, we caught you..!
hahahaha..naughty boy.. =)

2. Changmin : let's move on to the next song faster..
this is his favourite line in all concert..
he is the only one that like to rush to another songs..

3. Yunho talk about "We are T"
he said, they are really famous worldwide.. even his father know this..
when he tell his father "We are..."
his father will reply with "T"
so cute...
and the most memorable thing:
he mention MALAYSIA!!!

he said something like this..
"In Malaysia and other countries too.. when we said "We are", they all will reply "T" " 

sure Yunho, sure!!!

and to my surprise, this is not the only time that he mention Malaysia..
during the 9th or 10th June in Kyocera Dome..
Yunho also mention something about Malaysia..
and ChangMin said "Kuala Lumpuuurrrrr.."


its been a month already, and he still remember us..

i really hope you remember me..
the one that give you a flying kiss, and then you replied with hand-wave..

if and only if..
by chance, one day they have an interview about their live tour experience.
and Yunho said something like this..

"during our concert in Malaysia, there is one girl give a flying kiss to me.. so i reply with a wave.. she went crazy with it.. then for the second time, i saw her doing a big love.. i thought that was for me.. but then i realized, she is ChangMin's fan.. she keep staring at ChangMin through out the concert.. she didn't look at me at all.. and maybe, the only time that we have made an eye contact was during that only moment.. the flying kiss.."

you guys need to know..
that was really-really-really me..

Yunho, mianhae.. =p

4. ChangMin goes down the stage, and hi-5 with some of the fans!!
i can imagine he did that..
because suddenly i heard scream here and there...
ChangMin has changed.... 

5. Changmin: Tohoshinki treasure this moments more than anyone else
Yunho: this defines "once in a lifetime"

this is once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to meet you guys..
through a live stream..

my target: next year, go to Japan Tour!
you can do it, liana..
sure, you can do...!

>> exam..

salam to all readers..

first week of the exam went smoothly..

how about the second week?
killer paper: Investment 2..

hope i can at least pass this paper..
if possible, aim for B+..


not as worrisome as this.. huhuhu..

Thursday, June 13, 2013

>> comel..

salam to all readers..

hari tu Marissa bengang dengan aku..
tetiba dia cakap mcm ni..

"dah la tak pakai tudung.. nampak rambut.. ingat comel la tu.. tak comel pun.."

aku terkesima jap..

"ala.. ni rumah cik ana.. tak pakai tudung pun comel jugak ape.."

lalu, dia cakap kat mama dia..
"mama pun tak comel.. mama, comel tak kakak?"
tiba-tiba mama dia pulak terkena tempias..
mama dia terus cakap "tak.."

dia menangis weyh..
menangis sebab kitorang cakap dia tak comel..

dah reda sikit, aku saja je sakat dia balik..
"kakak tak comel pun.."

dia nangis lagi..

sejak bila kecomelan ni jadi isu?
kakak oh kakak..


>> first time..

salam to all readers..

first time pergi exam hall dengan kereta..
aku sampai pukul 7.15am..
guess what?
parking full!

yes.. exam pagi start pukul 8.30am..
tapi pukul 7.15am, parking dah full..


first time gak la aku selamber parking kat mana-mana yang boleh parking..

tu satu hal..

hari ni aku exam Combinatorial Mathematics..
subjek Maths ye kawan-kawan..
dah masuk dewan, dah baca doa sume dah, tengok meja sebelah..
eh.. mcm ada sesuatu yang aku takde hari ni..

berlari aku pergi luar dewan amik calculator..

liana, ko memang gila!

aku boleh buat sume soalan..
sekarang hanya mampu berdoa dapat A la.. ameen.. 

dah setel exam, pergi la kat kereta..
jeng jeng jeng...

kiri kanan depan belakang..
sume kete mahal-mahal..
student UM ni sume memang kaya-kaya eh?

dah la kereta mahal-mahal..
tapi takde tanda-tanda tuan empunya kereta mahu keluar..
i mean, tuan kereta takde lagi.. memasing busy discuss jawapan exam tadi.. ahax.

cuak gak la nak keluar parking tu tadi..
kereta aku kereta tempatan je.. 
tapi kereta kiri kanan depan belakang, sume kereta import..
nasib la kereta korang..
kira okay hari ni aku tak langgar mana-mana..

esok aku ada paper Physics pukul 11.30am..
aku rasa, aku taknak parking kat exam hall lagi dah..
sesak giler kot..
kalau sesak-sesak kereta yang sekufu, takpe jugak..
ni kereta yang mahal-mahal.. branded BMW, Mercedes, Porsche etc.
gila kau kalau terseret sikit!

Friday, June 7, 2013

>> final final final..

salam to all readers..

final exam, final semester, final year..
hope everything will go smoothly..

pray for my success!
and my fellow friends too..

Monday, June 3, 2013

>> one in a million..

liana, you are one in a million..


Sunday, June 2, 2013

>> life lesson..

salam to all readers..

tertengok Paradise Ranch..
oh ye.. tertengok..
tertengok la sangat..

i hate that female lead..
not because i'm jealous or what..
but because her character really despised me off..

however, after some time..
i realized one thing that we have in common..

we both have a strong determination, but with different level of persistence..
 she really persistent, and sometimes leads to trouble..
meanwhile, i think i am someone who consider the good & bad first before make any decision even though i really want to do so..

for example..
she really persistence in protecting her family house..
because of the sentimental value of the house itself that can't be compared with money..

in my opinion..
if i am in her shoe, i will sell off the house..
i know that house has a sentimental value, and i also really want to cherish it forever..
but, to think of the future, i can't just live with those memories..
i still need to fed myself, to do something about my future.. 
with the currency value that keep dropping by each year to another..
the inflation rate is so high that you can't really live without money..
rather than keep the house in my possession, i will sell it..

what is my dream?
that is the really big question..
for sure, my dream is not about protecting the house..
and i'm sure it is not her dream too..
our dream is to live happily with our family members..
so, wherever we are, we still can be happy as long as we are together..

if the female lead is me, i will take the money, and buy a new house in another rural areas..
you can find even larger and more comfortable house that this..
logic, isn't it?

actually, that house has been sold to someone before..
so, to think again about it..
if your father really cherish that house, why would he sold that house in the first place?
to send her to college?
she didn't even go to college properly..
financial situation?
ermm.. maybe..

oh i nearly forgot..
that house has the memories of her late mother..
i know that feeling.. you want to protect those memories..
but, like what i said earlier..
until when you can live by those memories anyway?
don't you have bad memories too?
life must go on..

one more thing that i learned..
remember the good things..
and forget all the bad things that happen to you..
you will live a happy life..
this is surely true..

i'm currently trying to forgive and forget all those bad things that happen to me..
and i really hope i wouldn't do the same toward others..
i mean, the bad things..

i find it really annoying when someone try to disturb anyone else business..
well, just because of your life, you want the entire project to fail?
erm.. you might think of the consequences of doing so..
you want to protect your own life, but you destroy a few hundreds of workers' lives that involved in that project..
its not that the project is illegal or what..
it is legal, but well, maybe it is not really appropriate since it involves some scams in the contract..
but hey, the company willingly to give out the compensation twice of the market price..
it is more than enough for each of the villagers to move out and find a new house.. each..

korean drama sometimes do teach me these kind of lesson..
but sometimes the story line is too absurd, that those kind of people often met someone who really powerful and have a lot of money and can settle everything for them..
in fact, the probability of those kind of things happen in real life is really really really really low..

in my case, i have no one to settle everything for me if i'm doing something..
i'm always on my own..
well, i do get moral support from my family & friends..
but when something goes wrong, moral support is not enough to survive..
you need your own way to handle those matters..

whatever i do, however i did it..
i believe, that must be the best way for me..
we planned it, Allah decides..
believes Allah will always be by your side..
and He will always be there..


Saturday, June 1, 2013

i spot myself in this pic!

oh yes..
it's June already..
i need to get over this concert feeling..
and focus on my study..

please, liana, please...


>> mr. Calculator returns!!

salam to all readers..

i realized mr. Calculator missing on Monday night..
the next day (Tuesday) morning, i got one final test for final week of my final sem..
and mr. Calculator can't be found anywhere!!

can you imagine how nervous, stressful, worried i am?
can you?

no.. maybe you don't..

or.. maybe you can feel it too..

it's too late to buy a new one for the test..
because its night already..
and i have the test on 9.00 am..

by hook or by crook, i need to use the probability calculator to study..
luckily, non-para is not really heavy mathematics..
so, simple probability calculator still can calculate all the function that i want..

test is over..

however, final exam is just around the corner..
i can't really rely on the probability calculator for my final..
that calculator doesn't have most of the function that i need to use for subjects like Differential Equation & Investment ..
so, i really need to buy a new one.. ='(

my plan:
1. search again in my house at Pantai Permai..
2. search again in my mom's house at Wangsa Maju..
3. if none, then go to MPH buy a new one.. 

after step 1 is done, i directly went to Wangsa Maju..
suddenly, one of my friend called me and said, "your calculator is with me la.."
you know what i think?
i am grateful.. but why only now you tell me you have it?
i've been searching for it since Monday, and yet you only told me you have it on Wednesday?
oh sure..

well.. it is my own mistake too..

anyway, thanks for returning mr.Calculator to me..
its sooooooo overly dramatic missing-finding story of mine..

dear mr.Calculator..
please be nice to me..
don't play hide-and-seek again.. okay?
i'm so overly worried..
i love you!

now i'm in an official relationship with mr.Calculator..
since exam is just around the corner, so i need to stay with him longer than usual..
if you know what i mean..
