
Sunday, September 30, 2012

>> dilema..

salam to all readers.

dilema hari isnin-khamis:
nak stay library ke tak?
nak stay ke tak?
nak stay ke tak?

dilema hari jumaat:
nak balik wangsa maju ke tak?
nak balik ke tak?
nak balik ke tak?

dilema hari ahad:
nak balik pantai permai ke tak?
nak balik ke tak?
nak balik ke tak?

cik liana sungguh gediks.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

>> rindu...

i miss this F4..
tahun depan dah jadi F5, insyaAllah..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

membayangkan tahun depan..
aku pakai jubah warna biru-kuning, dengan segulung ijazah..
sedang tersenyum bersama ahli keluarga dan juga rakan-rakan seperjuangan..

semoga impian ini menjadi kenyataan..
semoga jalanku dipermudahkan..


Sunday, September 23, 2012

>> duit raya..

salam to all readers..

someone used to layan me so well back then..
bila aku mintak duit raya..
dia bagi exactly what i wanted.
"aku nak duit raya warna merah tau.. kalau ko murah hati, duit biru hijau pun boleh.."

and yes.
he did give me both.

special edition lagi tu..
korang ade?

aku tak berhenti tersenyum bila jumpa benda ni..


Saturday, September 22, 2012

>> coincidence..

salam to all readers..

sejak kebelakangan ni aku minat kat SeungHo MBLAQ..

dan tidak pernah ku sangka..
tunangan kawanku juga bernama SeungHo..
* i dont think its appropriate to 'steal' his picture and put it here, since he's not a public figure*

satu fakta yg buat aku gelak tersipu-sipu malu sepanjang malam ni..

anyway, Aishah.
if you happen to read this blog, i just want to wish you guys..
Selamat Pengantin Baru..!
semoga berkekalan ke anak cucu..
축하 함니다..! 

*pergh.. advance betul ucapan aku ni..*

fyi, they will hold their wedding at the end of this year.
wish you guys all the best!

>> lost..

my exact feeling when my lecturer said something that i didn't even remember..

*feeling lost!*

i need some memory booster!!
please give me some.

Friday, September 21, 2012

>> 17 again..

salam to all readers.. 

pernah tak korang terasa macam salah buat keputusan je?
terasa macam nak kembali ke zaman lalu?
zaman kegemilangan?

untuk aku, personally, aku rasa zaman kegemilangan aku adalah zaman matrikulasi.
everything is perfect during those days.
tension study tak sama mcm sekarang.

at some point, i wonder..
am i making the right decision of my life?
about taking this course?
why i want this course in the first place?
can i go back and change everything?
can i have the second chance to take the road not taken?

i wonder what i could change if i can turn to 17 again.
what is there i can do?
what is the things that i should accomplished?

no matter how i think about it.
the things that i do back then (when i was 17) was to make sure i am in this position..
right now.
as a UM student.
with CGPA 3.00++..

that was my aim back then.
if i can travel back, can i accomplished that once more?
i dont think i can.

what is the road not taken back then?
i dont have a love story to share with.
is it worth to have a love story that could destroy my position in the future?
that was my priority thought when i was 17..
so what?
am i glad i'm not taken that path?
yes, i'm glad i'm not.

what is another road not taken?
be a rule breakers?
be a naughty girl?
the road i'm not taken is all the bad road.
so why i insist on to taking the road not taken now when i already know the bad sequences of that choice?

the only thing that i should do now is: to improve myself to be a better person.
not to impress someone, but to make me proud of myself even more.
just like how i proud with myself when i'm 17..
*literally, it doenst mean i'm boasting about it or what. it just enough that only myself is proud of it.*

"be confident, liana!"
"buat apa nak takut kalau benda nak jadi?"
that is 17-years-old-me that always saying to myself..

but what am i now?
"what if this happen? what if that happen?"
what if..
i always questioned myself with "what if...."
i can answer all the questions by myself, but all the answers are negative.

stop all this things..
and begin your day with the mind set:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

>> that feeling..

that feeling when i'm too tired of all these things..
feels like want to hentak-hentak somebody.
feels like want to campak-campak all these thick books.. 

oh no.
the semester is just about to begin.
but i already have these feelings.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

>> eat together..

salam to all readers..

entah kenapa tiba-tiba aku terfikir ini.

apa akan jadi kalau ChangMin + SeungHo + Onew + aku keluar makan sama-sama?

masing-masing 'sikshin' *hantu makan*

mesti poket kering gile kot kalau pergi tempat mahal-mahal..

eh, perasan tak, orang yang aku minat semua kuat makan..
i wonder how that happens.

Monday, September 17, 2012

when i hear my mom cooking in the kitchen..

oh yeah.. 
Changmin know how its feels..

long live, dear 'big eater'!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

>> study time!

a special encouragement from SeungHo for me to study:

good luck!

p/s: baru 1st week kuliah, dah rasa mcm sebulan dah. huhu

Sunday, September 9, 2012

>> new fandom..

salam to all readers..

i dont know why..
this person keep appearing in my mind..

why you, why?

sampai termimpi-mimpi kawen dengan dia lagi tuh.
tak boleh belah sungguh mimpi itu..

sejak tengok Hello Baby, i am now unofficially A+.

main bias: Master Yang / Leader / Seung Ho

aku baru perasan, in each kpop group yg aku pernah minat *tp sekarang dah tak minat sgt*..
bias aku sume mempunyai suara yg dalam kategori yg sama.

SHINee Onew
2PM WooYoung

perasan tak?
perasan tak..??
perasan tak...????

special case: TVXQ ChangMin

fyi, ChangMin sorg je yg suara high tone.
ha.. mcm mane tu?

ape-ape pun, semua ini terpaksa dihentikan buat seketika.
sem baru dah nak mula.
say bye bye to kpop world.
say welcome to manual tebal-tebal..


Sunday, September 2, 2012

>> driving experience..

salam to all readers..

memandangkan kereta saga tu manual..
kat sini aku nak mengaku satu perkara yang aku selalu buat bila bawak kereta..

aku malas nak tukar gear.

bila nak start kereta, guna gear 1.
dah jalan, tukar gear 2.
makin laju, tukar gear 3.
laju sikit lagi, tukar gear 4.
agak-agak nak perlahan, aku cuma lepas minyak, tekan brake..
agak-agak nak berhenti, terus  free gear, tekan clutch, tekan brake..
maka berhenti la kereta itu..

kesalahan utama yang aku sedar aku buat: aku cuma tukar gear untuk laju je..
untuk slow terus free gear..

sound mcm betul je kn..
tp bila aku perhatikan ayah ngan iwan bawak, dorang tukar gear 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - free gear.

cepat rosak tak kalau aku terus free gear je?

nampak gayanya, aku mcm kurang sesuai drive kereta manual.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

>>siapa conteng?

salam to all readers..

siapa yang conteng keyboard laptop aku ni?


baik mengaku cepat..!

memasing tak nak mengaku ye..
takpe.. takpe..

nanti cik ana collect duit je sorang RM5 beli keyboard cover baru..

nasib baik la dia conteng cover keyboard je..
dia tak conteng screen aku..
kalau tak memang kene fire kaw-kaw punya..
cik ana kan garang.. *bak kata marissa.. haha..*

moral of the story: bila diorang datang, kene cepat-cepat simpan laptop..
biar diorang tgk upin ipin ngan boboiboy guna ipad..
