
Monday, June 25, 2012

>> crushed dreams..

salam to all readers..

when people say;
"just pursue your dream.. no matter what happen.. makes your dream come true"

oh yes..
i believe in that words too..

dream big, they said..

if i want something..
i must work for it..

but in the end..
the things that will not make me keep moving..
is always the same thing..

its all about money..

bag of money

oh yeah..
people with money will say money isn't a key to happiness..
but when they got no money too, did they feel happy?
no, right?

people with no money..
will try to earned money to support their lives..
but people with a lot of money..
will try to make their money grows even more..

i want to do this..
i want to do that..
i want to try this..
i want to try that..
i want to go here..
i want to go there..
but why i can't?
because i have no money, and no one will ever bring me..

everything that i want to do, i want to try, or any where that i want to go..
i must do it all by myself..
there is no one that will offer me that kind of things..
and maybe that's why you said that i am someone that know what to do with my own life..

oh yeah..
life is so unfair..
but why bother?
the unfairness will teach us what we should do in the future..
everything happens for a reason..

the things that happens to me, i believe, will makes me stronger..

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

>> salah masa..

salam to all readers..

lepas maghrib..
aku tido kepenatan..
stress jawab exam petang tadi..

tido punya tido punya tido..
mimpi semua indah-indah belaka..

bila tersedar dari tidur..
terus tengok jam..

dah pukul 11.50!!!!

memang perasaan aku time tu...
gabra gile..
hari ni aku kerja kot..
selamber je tambah cuti...

dengan perasaan gementar..
aku pun hantar SMS kat member aku..

then dia call..
"liana! ko mimpi ape ni? hari ni hari isnin la!!"
"hari ni hari selasa... semalam isnin... aku dah amek exam dah semalam..."
"cuba ko tgk kalendar ko.. hari ni 18 hari bulan la.."

aku pun cepat-cepat tengok kalaendar kat laptop..
"haah la.. hari ni hari isnin.. tapi semalam aku dah amik exam la weyh.."
*siap cari kertas exam tadi dalam beg, membuktikan aku memang dah amek exam*
"ye ke? ko amek exam semalam? semalam ahad la weyh.."
"habis tu, apesal aku masih pakai baju semalam time aku amik exam nih??"
*kantoi tak mandi lagi..*
"ko memang la dah amek exam.. ko amek tadi la.."
"eh tadi?? aku punya exam pukul 3 petang la.. bukan pagi.."
"ye la exam ko petang tadi.. err.. liana.. ko ce tgk kt luar.. sekarang baru pukul 11.50PM la!"

tersentap sekejap..


haah la weyh..
pukul 11.50PM masih pada hari isnin 18 June 2012..

aku sebenarnya mati-mati ingat dah pukul 11.50AM hari selasa 19 June 2012..

ko sangat lawak hari ini liana..


penat sangat ke jawab exam tadi sampai jadi gila mcm ni?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

>> sms mencurigakan...

salam to all readers..

aku baru je dapat mesej ni tadi..

apa yang tak kena eh?
oh ya..
rasa macam tiada apa-apa yang mencurigakan..

persembahan Faizal Tahir & Black tu masih boleh diterima akal..
biasa la kan..

bab yang kedua tu..
Menangi tiket konsert SNSD, Shinee @ Macau..

bia betul?
apa kena mengena Faizal Tahir, Black dgn artis kpop?

yg lagi mencurigakan..
tiket konsert ke Macau..
bukan Malaysia..

kalau menang pun..
perlukan belanja yang banyak untuk terbang ke sana..
tak ke??

pada aku..
agak-agak la pun kalau nak buat cabutan bertuah pun..
biar la bertempat sikit..

i don't understand what's in their mind when doing promotion like this..


Monday, June 11, 2012

>>exams date..

salam to all readers..

my exam dates for this sem:




wish all the best for all my coursemate!

walaupun tengah-tengah praktikal ada exam mcm ni..
kita semua mampu untuk lakukannya..

hebat kan??


Sunday, June 10, 2012

>> i feel cute, i feel good..

salam to all readers..

i just feel that i'm too cute wearing baju kurung and tudung bawal..
didn't i?


i feel cute,
i feel good..

no offense..

have a nice 'holiday' this week..!
*holiday la sangat kan...*


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

>> bisnes DVD korea..

salam to all readers..

for your information..
aku ada baaaaaaaaannnnyaaaak gila koleksi drama korea..
dari zaman cerita Winter Sonata sampai la zaman cerita Rooftop Prince..

entah la..
semalam ape mimpi entah..
rasa macam nak buat bisnes jual DVD drama korea yang kau dah download + burn je..
satu keping = RM 5..

modal aku cuma DVD, komputer, dan internet..

tapi kan...
halal ke eh nak jual DVD mcm  ni?
tak macam DVD cetak rompak ke?


kalau collect sendiri download free dari internet, aku rasa takpe..
tapi bila dah masuk bab nak jual-jual kat orang nih..
rasa mcm bersalah pulak..

any advice??

walaupun dah ada sesetengah pihak yang buat bisnes ni..
dan aku pun ada terbeli beberapa keping..

tu la tu...

sape-sape baik hati nak bagi advice sikit?


Thursday, June 7, 2012

>> mood exam..

salam to all readers..

memang time-time nak exam la aku rasa aku makin gila dari hari ke hari..

hari ni terlupa bawak henpon pegi pejabat..
seharian tak pegang henpon..
tu okay lagi..

yang tetibe asyik nak tergelak sorang-sorang kat tengah-tengah orang ramai tu..
ape ke hal nye pulak?
siyes dari pagi sampai petang..
rase mcm 'ter' hyper active pulak..
senyum sesorang..
sengih tak henti-henti...
dok tahan gelak..
macam orang tak betul pun ada..

lagi best..
bila dalam lift sorang-sorang.. sengih-sengih and siap buat peace kat CCTV tuh..
sumpah tak de keje..

bila dah malam..
depan nota..
takde pulak nak tersenyum-senyum tersengih-sengih..

tibe-tibe terasa sayu je hati ni..
mengalahkan orang yang putus cinta frust nye..

ni dah macam tekanan emosi dah ni..

ni la tanda-tandanya hormon tak stabil tatkala exam makin dekat tapi belum habis study lagi..

ini la saya masa study week..

kira okay lagi la aku tak kacau orang lagi..
masih dalam keadaan terkawal..

tapi kalau cakap sorang-sorang tu perkara biasa la kan..
kalau-kalau roomate aku terkejut, takut dan sebagainya sampai mengganggu emosi dia..
tu aku tak sure..

ok la..

maw study lagi nih..

>> ye, saya!!!

salam to all readers..

pernah tak korang kena perli dengan budak kecik?

ceritanya begini..
bila aku panggil dia..
dia akan jawab..
"ye, saya..."

bila dia panggil aku..
"cik ana....!!!"
aku jawab..
"kakak nak ape?"
dia sound balik..
"ye saya la.. cik ana.. jawab macam ni.. ye saya!!"
*sambil buat gaya angkat tangan tinggi-tinggi*
ini tipu..
dia takde buat gaya ape2 pun..


ni la budak kecik yang dah pandai cakap.. 
dengan muka yang tak bersalah dan terlalu selamber..

rindu pulak kat dia..

Tuesday, June 5, 2012



jangan terlalu pandang benda yang negatif boleh tak??

berduyun-duyun benda positif kat keliling ko..
why you still look the negative side??


>> namja & yeoja..

when we talk about love..
how many of you will think it is a relationship between yeoja & namja..??
boys & girls??
man &woman..??

its right..
almost all of us will think that love is some kind of relationship or feeling what so ever just between yeoja & namja..

*sorry..i just finish with my korean you will see many of words that you might not understand..*

sarang.. love story..
no matter how i look over it..i just don't get it.. ini juga berdasarkan apa yg aku observe sejak kebelakangan ini..

why does all malay man want to blame korean drama if there's an issue about relationship..??
are you all just don't have the guts to date us..?
you don't have any confidence that you're not a handsome man as the main character in the drama..??
you're not perfect like the namja usually appear in the drama..??

then you start to spread rumours that we are too attracted to them..
its must be true that we are a bit fanatic..
but why the blame should you put on hanguk saram *korean people*..??
i can't understand that..

okay.. here.. specifically i said.. for those who love to watch korean drama..i know how its feels.. as  a girl..
of course you want to do the romantic-romatic scene or cutey-cutey scene just like in the drama..
am i wrong..??
coz i am one of them , too..

i've been thinking this over a long period of time..
since i started to layan this kind of drama.. korean drama, i mean..
if i'm not mistaken.. since form 2 i think..
i really want to do almost all the scene that the hero-heroin in that drama do..
they just  way too sweet.. and too lovably.. isn't it..??
and i do think..
maybe its just my immature thoughts..
maybe sometimes when i grow up i wouldn't wish it to be like this anymore..
to my surprised..
my feelings to do all sort of things is the same..!
except for one part..
i can't bear the pain of the love, i think..

since i'm 20 years old girl now..
i think..
i can separate what reality and fantasy is..
its a bit too far with each other..
but thats the fact that we must accept..

that namja should be perfect..!
handsome, rich, have manners, etc.

reality : 
no one is perfect in this world..  
so.. we can't search for perfectness.. therefore.. do you know what kind of namja that i search in my reality..??

of course its not like ChangMin.. 

but someone like Ashraf Muslim.. 

you got what i mean here.. 

that namja must be love me and only me through his entire life.. 

even if you get married.. there's might be a day that that namja was thinking of another woman.. right..?? 
and our religion also approve namja can get married until 4.. so.. do you have the right to claim that namja will always love you like you did..? sometimes i do feel its unfair.. but well.. i'm a woman okay.. and this fact makes me feel like don't want to get in relationship with any guys.. cause i think you guys cannot be trusted.. sorry..

namja must be so responsible.. 
he won't do anything to me even though there's only two of us in a small, dark space..

do you think we can trust namja that much..? 
huh.. you know.. when there's only namja & yeoja in the small, dark place.. there's always the third party..

namja that gives up everything for the yeoja is super cool namja..!

yeah.. its super cool.. but its not if he abandoned his own family.. right..?? if you give up your family just for me.. forget it.. seriously.. forget it.. do you think i want to go through that kind of life with you..?? huh~ 

that namja would try beyond his capability to reach into that yeoja's world..

 have you guys really did that..?? inform me if you did.. i think there's might be some.. but most of it just not sincere..

what else to be said..?
and now you can see clearly what kind of girl we are..

and see..
its clearly there..
the difference between namja in the drama and namja in reality..
tell me where i judge it wrongly..
*ayat mcm bagus jek.. haha*

but you know..
even in the drama itself..
it told us not to give in with any guys..
so that you can find the right guys in the end and live happily ever after..
but maybe the way they describe the guy is the way too much..
then all the girls are crazily searching for that kind of guy in this world..

 but i'm a bit surpirsed to myself..

we have a common in all that aspect if we compared it to English drama..
but i'm not into it..
because i refused to watch the reality..

what kind of namja are you..?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

>> aku dan kopi..

salam to all readers..

aku dan kopi..
memang perlu berpisah untuk selamanya..


sebab kesan kopi terhadap diri aku sangat-sangat berbeza dengan kesannya ke atas orang lain..

kalau orang lain minum kopi..
rasa segar bugar..
tak ngantuk..
ada yang sampai jadi hiperaktif..

tapi kesan kopi kat aku..
buat aku pening kepala..
mata jadi berat..
lantas mengantuk..
bila dah tidur..
tak sah kalau tak lebih 10 jam..

gila kan?

so kalau agak-agak aku mcm nak bunuh diri ke ape kan..
boleh la telan kopi satu jar penuh tanpa gula dan krimer..

konfirm gol terus..

alang minum Nescafe Mocha dalam tin pun dah teruk sakit..

tapi kan.. tapi kan..
kalau minum ice blended Mocha..
kesannya tak berapa la sangat..
that means still boleh minum la kan..?


Saturday, June 2, 2012

>> aku & cooking academy..

salam to all readers..

tajuk sangat gempak..
seolah-olah aku pergi akademi memasak dalam dunia realiti..
*senyum sorang-sorang*

aku masih ingat lagi..
masa kat matrix dulu..
time study week..
aku bukannye 24 jam study menghadap buku je..
bila da boring dengan buku..
pergi bilik sebelah pinjam laptop Dila nak main game ni:

Cooking Academy..

tuan punye laptop mesti sakit hati ngan aku kan?
sebab dia study bukak buku..
aku study game kat laptop dia..

tapi masa tu aku main sampai habis buat Breakfast je..
tak sempat nak main next-next punye level..

dah habis matrix.. masuk UM..
aku dah ade laptop sendiri..
dan dah ada internet lagi tu..
so, aku teringin la jugak kan nak menghabiskan permainan ni..
tapi sayangnya....
game yg aku copy  dari member aku tu tak leh bukak..
dan error memanjang..
dah la tak taw mane nak download free..
mmg sumpah noob giler aku bab2 download game ni..

beberapa kali cuba download..
sayang sekali.. semuanya trial version.. after complete 60 minutes kena beli terus kalau nak main..
nasib baik aku ni masih waras..
kalau tak mmg aku beli je la..

semalam entah apa mimpi..
google la game ni kan..
jeng.. jeng.. jeng..............

aku telah menghabiskan masa sampai pukul 4 pagi main benda alah ni sampai khatam..

dahsyat kau, liana!

hari ni pulak..
dok gatal2 'ter'download Cooking Academy 2 and 3..
serius gila mcm ni..

dah.. dah..!
pi study pi!!
sampai bila nak main game je ni?

>> dengki mendengki...

salam to all readers..

pernah tak dalam seumur hidup korang tak pernah dengki dgn orang lain??
pernah tak?
pernah tak?

jujur aku bagitahu..
aku tak pernah tak dengki dekat orang..
that means aku sentiasa dengki kat orang..
tak gitu?

ape ayat merepek aku tulis ni?

satu perasaan yang sentiasa ada dalam hati ni..
bagaimana anda mengawal perasaan dengki anda?
ke arah positif atau negatif?

contoh paling best..
ade la sorang kawan aku nih..
pandai giler babeng la..
tanye je la ape je, sure dia boleh jawab punye..
so, ofkos la aku dengki ngan dia kan..
aku pun nak pandai jugak..
ye tak?

aku ade 3 cara nak beat kawan aku nih sebab aku memang dah dengki gila-gila dengan kejayaan beliau..

cara baik: study hard, fokus dalam kelas, buat latihan banyak-banyak..
yang ni dinamakan dengki positif.
sebab aku dengki gila kat dia, aku study..
walaupun result aku takleh beat dia pun kan..
at least aku punye CGPA ade peningkatan..
ye tak??

cara jahat: kita goda dia tak payah baca buku.. biar kita sorang je yang baca..
yang ni mmg tahap dengki busuk hati sume masuk sekali la..
tapi sedar tak?
kalau kita buat perkara ni, lambat-laun effect dia datang kt kita jugak..

cara jahat yang lagi extreme: pergi amik pisau, pistol atau segala jenis weapon..
bunuh je dia..
perasaan dengki tu da xde sebab dia dah takkan jadi the best kalau aku ade.. *cis*
tapi perasaan bersalah la pulak datang menghantui..

tu baru bab belajar..
bab-bab lain..?
baaaaaannyyaaaaaaakkkk wooo...

to my friend..
i want to make a statement here..

tunggu aku di pintu kejayaan, ye sayang!

apa-apa pun, sebenarnye..
mesej aku kat entry ni..
benda yang tak elok (dengki) pun boleh jadi elok kalau kita pandai kawal..
ye tak?
niat nak bust jahat, belum dapat dosa lagi..
tapi niat nak buat baik, walaupun tak buat lagi, dah dapat pahala..
terpulang pada diri sendiri la mcm mane nak kawal perasaan masing-masing..

lagi satu..
cuba fikirkan..
kenapa dia lagi hebat dari aku?
mungkin sebab usaha dia lebih dari usaha yang kita buat, kan?
fikir negatif, fikir positif..
mesti ada reasons kenapa Allah bagi dia kepandaian, kekayaan ilmu.. tapi kita takde..
ape reason nya?
tak payah fikir..
better for us to find our way to be a better person..
just like what we want to be..
