
Thursday, May 24, 2012

>> that awkward moment..

that awkward moment..
when you scan your office pass at LRT station..
*thinking of it as Touch n Go card*
then suddenly it ringing so loud red light appear and didn't open the path for you..

the worst is..
you didn't even have the Touch n Go card that day..
and a long queue is behind you..

happen to me last week..

true story...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

>> regret..

salam to all readers..

everyone have their own regrets in their life..
as a human being..
i'm also like that..

the most regretful action that i made:
make decision in a rush without thinking..

some people said that the decision you made when you're not thinking actually is the best decision you ever made in your life..

yes, maybe that's true..
but did you know..
the consequence effect of doing so?

of course, no..
because you just made it.
you didn't even think about it..

your life is so much easier than me..
you don't have any responsibilities like i do..
and you don't have many things that i have..
but yet you still consider yourself better than me..

what i don't have is self confidence and money..
what you don't have is yourself..

which one is better?

to dream high is not a sin..
to make the dream come true is also not a sin..
but the way you take to make your dream come true, is it really not a sin?
think about it..

>> graduation day..

salam to all readers..

tgk facebook..
ramai yang post gambar dorang grad..

dalam hati kecil ini berkata...
"mampukah aku grad tepat pada masanya?"

Ya Allah..
permudahkan lah perjalanan ku dan rakan-rakan seperjuanganku sebagai mahasiswa mahasiswi Universiti Malaya..
semoga kami dapat menamatkan pengajian kami seperti yang dirancang, tepat pada masanya Ya Allah..
amin ya rabbal al amin....

*pray hard for our success*

>> not sure....

salam to all readers..

have you ever have this kind of feeling??

Futurama Fry - Not sure if i'm just wrong or the things itself are wrong

how did you overcome it?

just let it be?
seeking for the truth?
do something?
fixed it?


Friday, May 18, 2012

>> confession..

special for you..

so i thank you thank you thank you...
and i love you love you love you.....

and i will always love you!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

>> catch Jay Park in KL Live..

salam to all readers..

Digi dan Kpop lagi..
kali ni artis yang Digi bawak ialah Jay Park..

kalau agak-agak nak pergi showcase dia..
details are as follow:

Kuala Lumpur Showcase13 May 2012, Sunday (7pm)
KL Live @ 1st Floor, Life Centre, Jalan Sultan Ismail, KL
Kota Kinabalu Showcase12 May 2012, Saturday (7pm)
1 Borneo Hyper Mall, Gourmet Lane, Kota Kinabalu
Jay Park Basketball Showcase Match14 May 2012, Monday (6pm)
Sports Complex, Sekolah Sri KDU, Kota Damansara, Selangor

macam mana nak dpt tiket dia?
mcm mana?
pepandai la korang check kt website ni..

aku nak pergi ke?
oh tidaak..

mmg la tiket dia agak murah berbanding yang lain-lain..
tapi buat masa sekarang ni..
aku takde bajet nak pergi showcase ni..
plus, aku tak berapa minat dia la..

satu-satunya lagu yang buat aku tetibe tergerak hati nak tengok perkembangan dia..
lagu Happy Ending (OST Rooftop Prince)

everything back to basic jugak..
sebab aku tgk cerita Rooftop Prince ni pun tak lain tak bukan sebab ada Yoochun..
semangat Cassieopeia lagi..

pape hal pun..
have a nice day, to all Jaywalkers..

jgn lupa upload gmbr dan video banyak-banyak..


Friday, May 11, 2012

>> kebetulan?

salam to all readers..
aku belum bukak cerita nak tukar department..
tapi bos aku dah offer..

"you can do half day half day tak??"

half day dgn dia..
half day lagi dgn HR..

sounds great..

lagipun kalau seharian memanjang dgn dia..
aku takde la byk sgt kerja..
melainkan kalau ade akaun baru masuk mcm tu..

walaupun masih tiada kena mengena dgn my field of study..
at least i'm exposed to a wider field..
isn't it?

look forward to it..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

>> dilema..

salam to all readers..

dah sebulan berpraktikal..
tetibe je rasa cuak..
cuak bukan sebab ape..
sebab aku rasa mcm aku tak banyak buat kerja melainkan baca.. baca.. dan baca lagi..

my department is more to monitoring rather than processing..
its a little bit difficult for me to cope with it since myself are more towards processing data etc.

bila berborak-borak dengan orang luar..
*yang bukan satu department dgn aku*
memasing ckp..
"why are you here, eh?"

"you should go to the R&D side i think.. Operations will not help you much.."

"its surprising an actuarial student are here.. you should be in Risk Management.. " *or any other department that they said.. i can't remember*

"ehhh.. actuary ah..? i thought its better for you to go to insurance company ma.."

dan sebagainya..

ayat lazim aku jawab..
"i didn't get any reply form any insurance company.. so, i'm here.. here is the only one who accept me.."

sape kata aku taknak buat praktikal kat actuarial department?
lagi senang aku nak buat report nanti..
lagi mudah aku nak apply apa yang aku belajar..

tapi nak buat mcm mane..
dah takde rezeki aku kat insurance company..
dpt kt brokerage company pun jadi la..
ye tak?

walaupun jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuh gile beza antara apa yg aku belajar dengan apa yang aku buat kat sini..
dah nak buat mcm mane..

aku belajar pasal derivatives..
tapi aku praktikal pasal equities..
tak ke pelik namenye tu?

aku belajar kira-kira..
sekali kerja kena monitor, tracking, etc..
tak ke kena kejutan budaya namanya?

agak-agak kan..
boleh ke eh aku nak tukar department within one company ni?

kalau boleh best jugak..

berani ke aku nak tanya supervisor aku ni, masalahnye?
ada berani??

lets think about it..

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


salam to all readers..

semalam aku puasa..
tetibe je my supervisor tanya..
"can't you just replace your puasa now instead of puasa the whole month later?"
so i just said, 
"no.. we puasa now is just an optional, if you want to do it, you can do, if you don't want, it doesn't matter.. but during that month, we must puasa.. except if we can't.."

"can you replace your puasa ganti in advance before you really cannot puasa later in that month??"
"no.. i never heard of that case.. hihihi.."

cool jugak eh pemikiran dia sampai boleh terfikir ganti puasa in advance before Ramadhan menjelma..
setahu aku, ramai je yang tak habis ganti puasa..
tak pernah dengar pulak ganti puasa in advance..

but hukum is hukum..
puasa bulan Ramadhan tu wajib ye kawan-kawan..
puasa sekarang ni sunat je..
tak buat takpe..
buat lagi bagus..
