
Sunday, September 25, 2011

>> my big family..

this is not the picture of my cousins or my aunties or my uncles..
this is the picture of me with my parents and my siblings..

such a big family, isn't it?

Saturday, September 24, 2011


mood study tengah membuak-buak..
siap bangun pag-pagi nak study Life Insurance & Takaful..

tibe-tibe je terkena selesema teruk..!
sabar je la..

habis dak tisu sekotak..

Monday, September 19, 2011

dear you...

my dear you-know-who-you-are..

i just want to let you know..
that i might be different from before..
because it all started with yourselves..

the past few years..
i thought you are the right one for me..
but it seems to be wrong..
when i need you the most..
you're not there..
but someone else..
it is indeed true that someone called you selfish..
coz you really are..

i've been 'pendam perasaan' for a long time..
maybe this is the right time for me to say this..

you are not helping me at all.!
i am the one who helping you the most..
don't you realize it?

if i need help..
and asking from you..
i get nothing..
but if i asked someone else that we both knew..
i get something..

for examples..
i'm stuck with certain problems and ask you how did you do it..
you just said.. " oh.. i don't know.. ask them.."
when i ask them..
they will reply it like this..
"oh sorry dear.. i'm not really sure.. but maybe you can try using this.. this and this.. if you get it.. tell me.."
even if the theory that they teach me is not completely right..
so you can see the huge difference, right?
maybe that's why i'm more leaning towards them rather than you..

and when i want to 'joli-joli'..
i can see that you are the one that encourage me to do that..
but when  i want to 'jadi-budak-baik'..
you are not with me..

when studying..
you make me feel so stupid..
you said you didn't study much..
but in fact you'd study the entire chapter by yourself..

is this considered as BFF??
think about it again..
i'm just a person who reflects your actions towards myself..
no harm..

you are so annoying, you know..
only you know yourself the best..
but you don't realized that the things you do really pissed me off..

i admit that i'm not as smart as you..
and i'm really can't be the same level as you..
but did you know?
your selfishness is really something..
that makes me feel really despise with it..


dear readers..
kalau korang engah bace post ni..
sila abaikan kebebelan aku yang merapu ntah pape ni yer..

skrg jam 4.04am waktu Malaysia..
tarikh 19 September 2011..

aku masih tidak dapat melelapkan mata..
mentang-mentang lah esok takde kelas..
sesuke ati je tak tido..
pegi tido pi..!!

dah tak dapat tido tu..
online la kejap..
tibe-tibe teringat kat Running Man..
isubs dah keluarkan episod 53 & 54..!
maka dengan automatiknye saya tekan download utk episod 53..
memandangkan internet kat Pantai Permai ini tak selaju kat Wangsa Maju..
maka saya hanya mampu download 1 episod sahaja untuk hari ini..

oh ya..
bila tengok dah 2 episod isubs letak..
terasa mcm outdated la pulak..
bila dipikir-pikir balik..
sejak mula kuliah ni..
aku memang jarang dah bermanja-manjaan dengan lappy..
kan lappy kan?

mana tidak nye..
kelas dari 8 pagi - 9.30 malam..
balik pun online kejap kul 12 dah tido dah..
skema la pulak rasenye..

memandangkan aku dah tak manja sangat dengan lappy..
maka pegaruh drama korea itu juga dengan otomatiknye berkurangan..
dalam seminggu..
aku cuma tengok cite Scent Of A Woman episod last je..
bagus kan aku nih?
spoiler: pompuan tu tak mati pun.. stress aku..! hiyargh..! bazir air mata je.. =_="

dengan ini..
secara tidak rasminya..
bermulalah semula puasa drama aku..
hope kali ni berjaya seperti kali lepas..
nanti cuti sem kita balun lagi..!
itu lah kepuasan sebenar..
ye tak?

lagipun skrg ni aku cuma tinggal nak tengok Protect The Boss episod 13-16(end)..
tu pun tgh airing lagi..
tunggu la dah habis nanti..
aku sambung..
pastu puasa sampai habis sem..

spe lagi yang nak merepek?
ntah la..
tu je la kot..
lain kali sambung lagi ye..


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

sem 1 2011/2012

ramai orang first day kuliah hari isnin..
tapi aku first day kuliah hari selasa..
nampak macam seronok..
sebab aku takkan mengeluh lagi setiap kali tiba hari isnin seperti sebelum-sebelum ni..
tapi tahukah anda?
selasa-khamis jadual saya sangat menarik..
start pukul 8 pagi..
habis pukul 9.30 malam..
yang lagi sakit hati..
rabu kelas aku ade 2 je..
8-11am, 6.30-9.30pm
ade gap 7 jam 30 minit tu beb..!

cerita pasal first day..
macam excited je kan?
mula-mula tu memang la agak excited..
siap bagun pukul 6 pagi siap-siap tu..
dah 4 bulan lebih tak pergi kuliah..
*ke sebab kelas pukul 8? =_=" *
tapi bila dah masuk kelas..
rase macam semester ni dah start berkurun lamanya.. 
rasa macam dah lali dengan kuliah-kuliah ni sume..
macam takde apa-apa yang baru pun..
cuma bas je yang baru..

walaupun sem ni aku amek 20 jam kredit..
tapi jadual aku tak nampak macam budak yang amik 20 jam kredit pun..
mane taknye..
lobang sana..
lobang sini..
gap between 2 classes is 2-3 hours..
except for wednesday..
i got 7 hour and half gap..!

okay la kot susunan exam aku..
seminggu 2 paper je..
xde la berat sangat..
yang paling penting..
tiada 2 paper dalam 1 hari..
cukup2 la tu..
sakit taw tak?

pesanan buat junior-junior..
kalau-kalau ada yang terbaca blog akak ni..
*akak la sgt*
susun jadual elok-elok..
yang penting jangan cari pasal amik subjek yang exam 2 paper dalam 1 hari..
boleh mati kegilaan keluar dewan peperiksaan nanti..

oh ya..
dengar-dengar khabar bangunan BP sudah dipindahkan..
ke belakang kolej 6..
tak begitu pasti..
kalau salah..
jom sama-sama kita bunuh Shahid..!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

drinking habit..

and that explains why most of the time i didn't finish my drinks..

Monday, September 5, 2011

macam mana nak cover jerawat..

cara nak cover jerawat aku ni mmg praktikal..
dan masuk akal..

ianya bukan saja boleh cover jerawat-jerawat anda kat pipi, hujung kening, ataupun kat anak rambut (atas dahi)..
bahkan juga ia boleh mengurangkan dosa anda..
ia juga tidak memerlukan kos yang terlalu mahal..

its practical..
you know..


aku pun banyak jerawat jugak..
cuma tak kelihatan sebab bertudung..
kalau pakai selendang lilit2 lagi bagus..
lebih banyak jerawat yg dapat di'cover'..

sejak benti kerja ri tu..
jerawat tumbuh macam taknak benti2..
tapi bagus jugak..
sume jerawat dapat dicover setakat nih..
ade la sebijik dua bijik yg terlepas..
itu normal la..

korang selalu ckp kulit aku licin xde jerawat, kan?
apesal aku expose diri sendiri kat sini?

*termalu sendiri..*

decline the refusal..

buat la kalau berani..
tengok ape jadi nanti..

Sunday, September 4, 2011